Monday, April 11, 2011

$20 and a Tank of Gas - The Premise

So, Matt and and I are trying to save up money for our honeymoon, but at the same time, we like to go out and have fun. How are two relatively young people supposed to go out, have fun, and still save money? Well, you have to set parameters! Midway through an adventure yesterday, upon seeing that we were having a blast, we came up with this.

Twenty bucks and a tank of gas. Here's how you play.

1. Your spending limit for the day is $20. No more, no less. If you have to pull some change up off of the floorboards of the car, it's all good, but you really need to stick to just $20.

2. Wherever you go, you must be able to get there, and back, on one tank of gas. None of this going out to a place, and buying another tank to get back home.

Two simple rules. Two simple people. And hopefully, a ton of experiences to be had along the way!